Contigency Plan for No-Deal Brexit - What will happen to UK Expats in Spain?
Contigency Plan for No-Deal Brexit - What will happen to UK Expats in Spain? How will the Spanish government respond to a No-Deal Brexit scenario? On the 2nd of March 2019, the Spanish Government published a Royal Decree on the state's Official Bulletin (BOE) detailing a contigency plan for a No-Deal Brexit. This 31 page decree details several key issues such as trade and international relations but in this article were going to discuss how the Decree will directly affect the lives of Expat. With a No-Deal Brexit looking more and more likely every day we can at least take some consolation in the fact that the Spanish State will secure some of our rights for a short grace period. Driver's License When you become a Spanish resident you are obligated to change your UK license for a Spanish one. As a European citizen, you can do this without taking another exam. Fortunately, there will be a 9 months grace period. Non-residents can continue to drive in Spain with their...